Wednesday, February 11, 2015

How does Power corrupt some people and not others?  What qualities must a person have in order to be the "hero" even though they have the power to be the "villain?"  Think of real life examples either in the news or in your life and draw a comparison between that and what is happening in Macbeth

      Power corrupts some people who don't know how to handle it and are greedy. It will corrupt them if they are not careful with how they use their power. Other people who have a lot of power will be wise enough to know how to use it. For example the president has a lot of power, and if he used the power that he had for wrong ways like making taxes extremely expensive so people couldn't pay them so that he could just have the money for himself then that would be an abuse of power and very bad.
     Some qualities that someone must have in order to be a hero even if they have power to be a villain is they need to not be wise and kind. If anyone has enough power to become a villain then they have enough power to become a good hero. Anyone can become a hero whether if they are the President of the United States with a lot of power or if they are just a kid trying to stop a bully from someone bullying another person in school.
     Someone who abused power was in the horrible tragedy of 9/11. All the people that were involved in that had a lot of power, and they didn't have to kill all those people but they knew they had the power to be able to but instead they decided to do it. Macbeth is similar with this because he had the power to not kill Duncan and Banquo but instead he did because he wanted even more power. 


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